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If you are aged between 14 and 21, you can apply to join Hereford Chamber Choir as a Choral Scholar.
Hereford Chamber Choir is grateful for funding from The Friends of Hereford Three Choirs Festival, which allows talented singers between the ages of 14 and 21 to join the choir as Choral Scholars. Appointments will be made subject to completion of an application form and a formal interview with our Music Director Simon Harper, which will include a performance of a prepared solo piece, a range test, and some sight-reading.

£300 per year (£100 per term) will be paid to each successful applicant.
Aims of the scheme
1.  Gain valuable experience singing in an SATB choir, participating in professionally led rehearsals, and performing regular concerts and cathedral services of varied music from the choral repertoire (sacred and secular from the Renaissance to the present day).

2.  Grow in confidence and reliability as a choral singer, gaining valuable musicianship skills.

3.  Have opportunities to perform solo parts in the choir's repertoire.
Information for Choral Scholars
Weekly rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7:15 to 9:15 pm at Holmer Church Centre, Hereford HR4 9RG. Choral Scholars are expected to attend all rehearsals.
The choir gives approximately six performances per year, in addition some cathedral services.


To request an application form, or to arrange an informal chat about the scheme, complete the form below and our Music Director Simon Harper will be in touch with you very soon.

Thanks for submitting!

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